The Trust's Enduring Goals
Building a Positive Menstrual Culture
for the benefit of the people of Aotearoa.
Charitable Registration Number CC57433
Provide menstrual education training.
Provide menstrual education professional development for education, health and community service professionals.
Provide professional membership and support for menstrual educators, including promotion of the profession of ‘menstrual educator’.
Promote and provide positive menstrual education events and resources.
Promote respect, connection, inclusion and accessibility in menstrual education.
Research, articulate and promote the concepts and practical application of ‘menstrual cycle awareness’, ‘menstrual wellbeing’, ‘body literacy’ and ‘positive menstrual education’.
Undertake evidence-based practice, through evaluation and critical reflection in order to contribute to new knowledge.
Engage in charitable activities which are consistent with these purposes and as a means to advance health, education, and social and public welfare.
Woven Together
Connection, Celebration, & Knowledge - Pillars of Our Work
By fostering connection, celebrating every aspect of the menstrual journey, and empowering individuals with knowledge, we weave a tapestry of positive menstrual culture in Aotearoa.
In order to build resilience to shame we require connection where empathy can flow. “Empathy is the strongest antidote for shame” (Brown, 2008, p.32). Chalice Foundation Aotearoa deeply values building empathetic relationships based on courage and compassion and that create connection to self, others (past and present, physical and spiritual), land, cycles and, nature. Because of the driving power of shame on behaviour, addressing menstrual shame in oneself and building menstrual shame resilience is a radical step in addressing menstrual social stigma in of itself but, also, an essential first step for creating sustainable cultural change.
Brown, B. (2008). I thought it was just me (but it isn't). Avery.
Marking a transition in a person's life reinforces its importance. It provides a reverence to the transition's significance and gives it value. A transition's inherent worth is acknowledged, treasured, nurtured and celebrated when it is valued. Chalice Foundation Aotearoa views understanding the menstrual cycle on a social/emotional/physical /spiritual level as inherently valuable and the bookends of menarche and menopause as significant transitions in a menstruator’s life journey. These transitions bring about many changes, beginnings and endings, and these times deserve attention, reflection and celebration.
Chalice Foundation Aotearoa provides quality evidence-based programmes, that are culturally responsive and trauma informed. Workshops are delivered in a grounded and factually correct fashion in an environment of openness and acceptance. Workshops are nuanced, inclusive and informed, valuing the menstruator as the expert of their own experience. Story and metaphor are valued as essential tools for sharing generational knowledge alongside disseminating and critically evaluating current scientific research.
Empowering Through Education
Our Impactful Menstrual Education Workshops
Engaging and inclusive workshops designed to equip individuals and communities with the knowledge and tools for fostering a positive menstrual culture.
3 workshops for menstrual and menopausal wellbeing in the workplace. Menstrual Wellbeing at work, Menopause wellbeing at work, Menopause conversations at work. Founded in Australia as an initiative of She Listens, the Chalice Foundation – Australia, (independent sister foundation to Chalice Foundation Aotearoa Trust), and The Dugdale Trust for Women & Girls, the harm-prevention entity…
Celebration Day (In-Person)
A Celebration Day workshop prepares your 10-12-year-old for a positive start to their menstrual cycle (menarche – first period) and, supports your connection with them as they navigate these changes. Along with their Mum/Ren+/Whānau/Aunty/Carer, this workshop nurtures connection, normalisation and openness through practical and positive information, stories and fun activities. With the intention to overturn secrecy and…
Celebration Circle (Online)
A Celebration Circle online workshop prepares your 10-12-year-old for a positive start to their menstrual cycle (menarche – first period) and supports your connection with them as they navigate these changes. Along with their Mum/Ren+/Whānau/Aunty/Carer attendance, this workshop nurtures connection, normalisation and openness through practical and positive information, stories and fun activities. Specifically designed for those who…
Celebration Day Facilitator Training
Training to become a facilitator of Celebration Day can be delivered both online or in person at various times over the year, based on demand. Contact us to learn when the next training is available. As of February 2024 completion of the pre-course, Foundations of Menstruation Education (FOME) became required before applying for Celebration Day…
Fathers/Rens+ Celebrating Daughters/Young People Workshop
A 2-hour workshop for Fathers/Ren+ of daughters/young people. Fathers/Ren+ have a special and important role to play as their child metamorphose from children through puberty to menstruating young people. Are you ready? Are you overwhelmed? Or are you sailing through? Expect a lively and enlightening discussion with many great tips and ideas, for fathers/ren+ wishing to…
About Us
Angela Roberts (Trustee)
NZROT, PgDip Sxlgy (Curtain University),
Tēnā koutou
Ko Tenemāka, ko Tiamana, ko Airani me Ingarangi ngā w'akapaparanga mai
Ko Taranaki te maunga nānā au i w'akaruru'au
I tipu ake au I te ta'a o ngā awa o Te Ana-a-Wai me Ōpi'i
Ko Waita'a ki te Tonga te w'enua tupu
Ko te pāmu o Glenfield te kāinga
Nō Pleasant Point au
Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā tatou katoa.
Angela is a Sexologist, registered Occupational Therapist, Sex and Relationship Therapist, Author, and facilitator with 20 years of experience in the public and private sectors, from directorship of private business to trustee in not-for-profits. As an experienced group facilitator working with people across their lifespans and having a background in sexology, she brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to the menstrual education space. She is the author of A Tiny Seed of Wisdom and provides workshops throughout Aotearoa, including Celebration Day, Fathers/rens+ Celebrating daughters/young people, Work Cycle, and Perimenopause. She is passionate about collaboration across sectors, always seeking quality relationships with partners and stakeholders to further the mission of quality menstrual education and positive menstrual culture in Aotearoa.
Jane Bennett (Trustee)
Jane Bennett is the founder of the Chalice Foundation Australia and co-founder of Chalice Foundation Aotearoa. She is a social worker, researcher, writer and educator with nearly 40 years in practice. After experiencing the revelations of Natural Fertility Management in the mid-1980s Jane began working as a Natural Fertility Management counsellor, then trainer and later authoring The Natural Fertility Management Kits with Francesca Naish. Jane launched Celebration Day for Girls in 2000, Cool on the Inside in 2002, Fathers Celebrating Daughters in 2004 and Mense-Ed in 2016. Jane co-created The Rite Journey girl’s Year 9 program, and continue’s her long-standing role with Natural Fertility Management. Jane is the author of A Blessing Not a Curse and Girltopia, and co-author of About Bloody Time – The Menstrual Revolution We Have to Have, Woman Wise Conversation Cards, The Complete Guide to Optimum Conception, The Natural Fertility Management Contraception Kit and The Pill – Are You Sure It’s for You?, and is eternally passionate about nourishing healthy curiosity and best-practice self-care for women and girls.
Please contact Angela Roberts
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